Saturday, August 6, 2016

Cori Brod

Why Improv:  
Cori loves the freedom of creating something that has never been seen before and can't be repeated.  Sometimes it stinks, and that is okay because sometimes it all comes together, and THAT is magic!

Name One Weird Thing About Yourself:
Cori did singing telegrams in high school to raise money for trips and sang with The Mormon Tabernacle Choir.

Comedy Influence: 
Cori loves Tina Fey and Amy Poehler and the ladies of SNL. They are fearless with their funny. 

Your Life Outside Comedy/Acting: 
Cori has been married 25+ years to one of the most supportive men.  They have two awesome kids who are adulting like pros!   She is a massage therapist in her off time and works at a birthing center full time.

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